About Crystal

Sounds Therapy


I have studied meditation for many years, transcendental, Zen, mantra and guided. I always found it to be deeply relaxing and a way to find peace and clarity.

Five years ago I attended my first sound bath with gongs. I was blown away by the vibrations and feeling of peace that followed.

I was hooked.

This led me on to crystal bowl sound baths, a purer sound and vibration, which combined my interest in sound, meditation and crystals. I began to study and qualified as a sound practitioner with guided meditation.

My love of crystals and their power and healing qualities fascinates me and I continue my studies along with Reiki, another holistic therapy. I hold weekly sound baths, one-to-one-sessions, volunteer at a hospice and record remote sessions for those unable to attend in person.

The Benefits of Crystal Sound Therapy

Quartz crystal has been used for millennia. Today they are used in lasers, microscopes, scientific instruments, watches, computers and many more. They are used due to the following dynamic properties

  • Amplifies Energy

  • Transmits Energy

  • Absorbs Energy

  • Transduces Energy

  • Contains / Stores Energy

When you add this to sound, vibration and intention it is truly powerful.

Our bodies are 70% water and water is nature’s greatest conductor of sound. So when a quartz crystal bowl is played, the sound vibrations transmit these frequencies directly into the body.

When listening to crystal singing bowls the first effect is the quietening of the chattering of the mind. Next the body begins to relax. A feeling of spaciousness emerges as relaxation deepens.

Our brainwaves move from active beta state to the more peaceful and meditative alpha and theta state. Heart rate and blood pressure begin to reduce and anxiety and stress lessons.

“To enter into the initiation of sound, of vibration and mindfulness, is to take a giant step toward consciously knowing the soul.”

Don G Campbell